Sports Ambassadors Champion Change!
First ever Sports Ambassadors at St John's promote healthy lunchtimes with new inititive!
This year, for the first time ever, we have decided to introduce the role of Sports Ambassadors to our Snow Leopard children. Much like the Worship Team and the School Council, the children chose to put themselves forward for the role. At our first gathering of potential ambassadors the children decided that they wanted the adults to choose which candidates would take on one of the four positions.
The selected children for this term are Abi, Silvana, Harry and Linus. As part of their role, the children were invited to attend the East Dorset Playground Leaders Academy on Thursday 19th October 2017 at Ferndown Upper School. The training day gave the children the opportunity to take part in a number of workshops and practical activities relating to the roles and responsibilities of a Sports Ambassador:
To encourage participation and healthy lifestyles in school.
To promote the positive values of sport in and through sport.
To be an ambassador and role model advocating PE and school sport.
- To be the young people’s voice on PE and school sport in St John’s.
As a result of the training the children were encouraged to think about a project that they could implement on their return to school. With a little support from Miss Elston and Miss Slater, the children decided that they wanted to focus their attention on making healthy choices at lunchtimes with the introduction of 'The Health Check'.
The ambassadors will complete a quick survey of the children's lunch boxes and hot dinner plates each lunchtime, tallying the number of healthy options per table. The five tables with the most points each lunchtime will gain a leaf to put on their branch of the 'Health Check Tree'. At the end of each half term the table with the most leaves on their branch will get an active reward, suggested by and voted on by the children. So don't be surprised if your children come home and ask for some healthy swaps in the not so distant future!
Well done to our Ambassadors for all of their hard work so far. They have made a great start to their new role and have set the bar high for future applicants.
Thank you in advance for your support.