St John’s First School is 140 years old!
A wonderful Victorian celebration was had on Thursday 23rd November to commemorate the schools 140th birthday. The children and staff dressed as Victorians and enjoyed a day of Victorian style activities, as they considered how life would have been at the school in 1877.
The day began with a traditional Victorian church service conducted by Reverend Brechwolt where the children sang ‘All things bright and beautiful’ and said Victorian prayers. The boys and girls entered church through separate doors and sat in separate seats, as they would have in 1877.
Activities during the day included cross stitching, baking, drama, maypole dancing, rug ragging and exploring Victoria artefacts from the Priest House Museum.
The day culminated with a tea party for members of the community with a past connection to the school. The schools log books, old registers and school artefacts were on show, with many people able to find themselves, their parents and grandparents.
The head of school and deputy head of school were presented with rose bushes entitled ‘Moment in Time’ to recognise their places in the history of the school.