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Breakfast Club

St John's CE First School Breakfast Club provides child care provision and a balanced breakfast from 7:30am - 8:45am. The children are then delivered personally to their class by the breakfast club leaders - Mrs Selby. The children have time to sit and relax with their friends, eat a nutritious breakfast and enjoy a range of activities.

7.30 am Onwards         Children are dropped off in the Breakfast Club by their parents/carers.  To ensure your child receives breakfast they must be booked in by 8.10am.
8.00 - 8.30 am Children sit down to a balanced breakfast.
8.25 - 8.50 am A range of activities are on offer: arts and crafts, construction, board games, book corner.
8.45 am Children are escorted to their class by the Breakfast Club leaders and any messages from parents/carers are passed on.

Children may attend daily, periodically, or just for the odd day when the need arises [24 hours' notice required on booking form.

Each session costs £3.00 paid via ParentMail or Childcare vouchers.

Please complete an application form to register your interest to book a place.